Thursday, July 2, 2009

I pretty much didn't do anything today but monitor things on the security camera. The hotel had a lot of foot traffic because of a convention in town but the majority of the people left before 7p.m.. There was a bunch of idiot autograph seekers around who lingered for hours but we ended up bringing the actor they wanted to see in the back way and it made my day seeing all those idiots dumbfounded when no one showed up out front.

The hotel got rid of another person today, as much I hate my job I'm glad that I still have somewhere to punch in at. While I've worked at a hotel for the better part of my adult life, I've never worked at one while the economy has been in such shit. It's been interesting to see that in the end it's all about the bottom line and while I've always known that a hotel will turn on you at the drop of a dime, nowadays, people are really getting fucked over.

However, with all of their bullshit cost saving cuts, both service and safety are being put in jeopardy and in the end we're going to end up losing the guest but we're all lucky that we're still in business and the last thing anyone is going to think about right now is service or safety. So fuck 'em all.

Oh yeah, a hooker tried to fleece me today, she wanted me to turn my back while she went upstairs to turn a trick. I told her to take a hike. As bad as things are, I should have asked her how much money she was talking about but given the fact that she's a known snitch, all I need is for her to get busted again and start throwing my name around.

I'm damn glad I'm off for the next couple days.

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