Saturday, July 11, 2009

Let it be known that just because I hate my job does not mean that I don't appreciate the fact that I have a job.

I walked in to work today and immediately found the dock a mess because everything had been taken out because the trash compactor was being picked up. When they finally brought it back I had to move everything back in and I was already all sweaty and funky because of the muggyness of the dock area after our stewards power washed it.

It was a fairly slow morning and due to the fact our department can't communicate worth a fuck, I had no idea I was working the entire morning by myself. I mean, I knew I was because I was there by my goddamned self but I just didn't know that there wasn't actually suppose to be anyone else there.

Anyway, I was sitting in the office zooming in on some old woman's breast, notice I say breast, singular, because I'm fairly sure there was only one, on camera, when I received a call that someone was attempting to gain access into a locked employee area and because the flower people enjoy putting giant plants that block all of our cameras throughout the entire hotel I couldn't see this person at all much less him trying to gain access into anywhere.

I arrived at the locked door and pushed it open to find some drunk, no sense making, fuck, mumbling some shit about trying to get to his room. I was a bigger dick than usual until I realized this guy was actually a fucking guest, then I dropped my dickness down to my normal level. I got the fuck a new key, escorted him to his room, verified it was actually his room and assumed he'd pass out and we'd call it a day but not before him telling me a story about how he'd just gotten divorced which is why he was so drunk. I could feel where the guy was coming from, no harm, no foul.

I figured I could get back to dicking around in the office, which is exactly what I did after sweating some more with dock work. A few hours later I received a call of a suspicious person on the 28th floor with room keys but no luggage. I hauled ass upstairs but didn't find anyone. I finally talked to the maid who gave me the room number which the suspicious person had and she told me about how this guy scared her and that he was on drugs or drunk. When I got around to checking who was in the room that she gave me, what do you fucking know? The same clown who I'd left in his room to sleep off his drunkness. WTF?

Turns out the fucking guy came back down to the front desk and told him he needed a room, so our crack front desk checks the guy into another room without realizing he's already checked in to another room but now this clown isn't in either of the rooms, so there I go searching the entire building for some drunken asshat who we finally found in his new room passed out. My coworker finally decided to show up for work so we went and did a welfare check on him and while he was still fucked out of his mind he appeared to have slightly sobered up. The last I saw of him he was fine, hopefully he passes out and doesn't wake up until all that shit is out of his system.

Once I was done with my bullshit paperwork on this drunk fuck, it was brought to my attention that someone might have passed a fake hundred dollar bill. For fucks sake. The currency pen indicated the bill was real but it was suspect as fuck and what was really suspicious was that the front desk called the guy who gave us the bill and he said that someone the previous night told him the bill he gave them was also fake. Suspicious? You goddamned right, however, one of our accounting people was on property and their greedy ass told the front desk to accept the bill and they'd look further into it. Who cares? All I know is that my ass had to write an additional report.

All these shenanigans made the day go by pretty quick but I still didn't get out when I should have because once again lack of communication within our department came into effect and no one told us that the pm guy wouldn't be coming in. Fuck!

On the bright side, our jobs have yet to be outsourced.

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