Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wow, what a bullshit day. A ton of key assists, noise complaints and homeless fucks. There is a bunch of idiots who are the crew of some singer person staying with us and they all suck. Our pool is closed because of health concerns and to top everything off, I think our entire Security Department is going to get outsourced which means we're all possibly about to be fucked out of our jobs, our sucky ass jobs but our jobs nonetheless.

In the mean time, before we all lose our jobs, they want to cut an additional 40+ hours from our department, the same department which is already running dangerously short staffed to begin with. Where they're going to take an additional 40+ hours from is beyond me. Any other time I'd be cool with collecting unemployment but this shit state is issuing IOU's so I'm probably fucked in regards to that too.

Have I mentioned how I hate this place?

At least I'm off for a couple days and don't return to work until Saturday...if my position hasn't been eliminated by then.

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