Thursday, June 18, 2009

I've quickly realized that I can add autograph seekers to people I hate. I spent the majority of my shift being an asshole to autograph seekers. I just don't understand their mind sets. I ended up kicking out about 20 of them. In all of that nonsense I also found time to tell a prostitute to get lost and had an odd conversation with a homeless guy who told me about his lawyer. In my awe of his story I failed to ask why the hell a homeless person has a lawyer.

I'm so glad I'm off for the next to days. I feel my soul slowly being sucked away from me as I continue to work this Godawful job.

I was able to get a good shot of a woman's breasts when I did a key assist for her, which just happened to be the only bright spot of this day.

On a side note, our key system is by far the worst key system ever made.

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