Sunday, June 14, 2009

Personal Day

I took today off, in my opinion people shouldn't work on Sunday's but I'd asked for this day off a few weeks back and it worked out perfect after calling in yesterday. But because the credit cards aren't going to pay themselves I'm back to my little piece of Hell first thing in the morning.

For the most part, Monday's are usually slow but you just never really to know what's going to happen when you're located in a shit part of the city.

Today's Hotel Hot Tip

The majority of front desk employee's hate life as much as the next guy. Having to deal with one bastard guest after another gets old fairly quickly. So, whenever you check in, you don't even have to be extra nice, just don't be a dick and if better rooms are available you can almost always get a better room and possibly not even have to pay an upgrade fee.

However, many people for some odd reason choose to be dicks to front desk agents and like to act like they're so much better than them, why, who really knows but unless you're paying rack rate, being a dick will only get you a shit room next to the ice machine, next to the elevator or next to the maid's closet where you'll surely be awoken by loud ladies speaking foreign languages and slamming the closet doors while making all sorts of racket trying to maneuver giant carts.

I won't even mention possible wake up calls every fifteen minutes starting at 2a.m..

You don't have to be extra nice, just don't be a dick.

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